Royalty Fees
Complete hunting rates and hunting packages include 3 parts:
1.  The Hunting Royalty Fees found below.
2.  The Hunting Tags and License Fees found by clicking here.
3.  The Hunting Rates found by clicking here.

bighorn kill

  • Tags and licenses are pre-purchased for clients
  • Price quotes include Government taxes
  • Tag and license fees due
       August 1st for fall hunts
       April 1st for spring hunts

Please note: Please note: All prices are subject to a 5% HST Government Tax for non-residents and 12% HST for Canadian residents. Prices do not include hunting packages, provincial tag and license fees.

Royalty Fees

Important Notice: BC Ministry of Environment charges Royalty Fees on all trophy animals. Fees will be due at hunt closures and can be paid by check.

1 - Grizzly Bear $1000
2 - Mountain Sheep $250
3 - Mountain Goat $150
4 - Moose $125
5 - Elk $125
6 - Cougar $125
7 - Black Bear $75
8 - Mule Deer $50
9 - White-tailed Deer $50
10 - Wolf $50

• Fees are only payable upon successfully harvested animals.
• All prices are subject to change.